Relationship Building — Goals for a “No Normal” World

This our cat; his name is Reese. Reese is a big tough boy when he’s around people he knows. But, when somebody new comes into the room, he’s the first one under the couch. When he’s in an environment that he knows, Reese is confident and commanding. When he experiences a change in his world, […]

Are In-Person Sales Calls a Thing of the Past?

As we work our way through the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re learning to live our lives differently. Gone are restaurants, theaters, bars, clubs, daycares, gyms, and, for many, the office. CNBC interviewed a Shark Tank Shark, Robert Herjavec. He said that we are “living the future,” and that while we may return to offices, remote and at-home working is here to stay.   […]

Overcoming Objections to Activity Entry

Call them activity reports, call reports, after-action memos, or encounters — activity items are a vital part of Client Relationship Management (CRM) software. They are also one of the most significant resistance points for users of all kinds, especially salespeople. That resistance is informative for leaders and managers. Salespeople offer a lot of arguments against […]

Goals, Metrics, and Pandemics

There are numbers, and there is reality. We like to think that numbers reflect reality. For example, last month’s orders are what the sales team brought in, and sales are what the company shipped. We know that if we increase orders, sales will eventually go up. We like to set goals based on these numbers. […]

Relationship Selling with Social Distance

The coronavirus pandemic is rapidly changing the way we live our lives. We’ve started washing our hands more, we’ve become more suspicious when we hear a cough, and we’ve adapted to a new social routine. Social distancing dominates that new routine. For businesses, our plans have to change. That’s an understatement. But, attempting to capture […]